Michael Nassry
Walker Building
Pennsylvania State University
University Park, PA 16802
Telehone: 814.865.3636
FAX: 814.863.7943
E-mail: nassry@psu.edu
- Virginia Tech – Ph.D. Biological Systems Engineering
- Pennsylvania State University – M.S. Agricultural and Biological Engineering
- Pennsylvania State University – B.S. Agricultural and Biological Engineering
professional activities:
Dr. Nassry's contributions to Riparia's ongoing research efforts include assisting with undergraduate and graduate research projects, contributing to the assessment of Riparia's reference wetlands, developing proposals with transdisciplinary teams for future research, and working on a wide range of research projects with other members of the Riparia team. Current research projects include:
- Assisting with development of a Nutrient Network for Susquehanna-Chesapeake Basin;
- Assessing wetland vulnerability to climate change across HGM class and ecoregion;
- Identifying ecosystem services through linkages between DOC and hydrology;
- Updating and revising the Stream-Wetland-Riparian (SWR) index assessment procedure; and
- Calculating weather indicators and identifying historical trends relevant to condition assessments for the National Park Service.
Prior to joining Riparia, Dr. Nassry's graduate research focused on landscape controls on organic matter and nutrients in glacial meltwater along the southeast coast of Alaska. He also worked in environmental consulting and assisted with ecological and human health risk assessments across the Mid-Atlantic.
professional employment:
- 2012–present: Postdoc, Riparia (formerly the Penn State Cooperative Wetlands Center), Penn State University
- 2008–2012: Graduate Research Assistant, Virginia Tech, Blacksburg, VA
- 2007–2008: Junior Engineer, Avatar Environmental, West Chester, PA
- 2004–2007: Graduate Research Assistant, Penn State University, University Park, PA