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Hannah Ingram

302 Walker Building
Pennsylvania State University
University Park, PA 16802
Telephone: 814.865.1009
FAX: 814.863.7943



  • Pennsylvania State University - B.S. Biology (Ecology option)

professional activities:

I have worked as a research technician in support of a variety of research projects at Penn State University. In my current position with Riparia, I collaborated with the PA Department of Environmental Protection on a pilot project to determine the status of wetlands in southcentral PA. Using the hydrogeomorphic classification for wetlands in the mid-Atlantic region, I worked as part of a team to classify and assess the condition of 200 wetland points in portions of 21 counties in southcentral PA. I also participated in the collection of vegetation, soils, and microtopography data for 20 of those 200 wetlands as part of a hydrogeomorphic functional assessment. I am also currently using my GIS skills to create new data and modify existing data that will be used by others who are conducting research with Riparia.

I previously assisted a Ph.D. candidate at Penn State with his academic research as well as several other grant-funded projects related to crayfish populations in PA. I was involved with quite a bit of field work and subsequent lab work related to these projects. I also helped with some data entry and analysis as well as creation of GIS products. I co-authored a technical report for a project that was funded by the National Park Service to determine the status of native and invasive crayfish species in some National Parks in PA.

Prior to returning to Penn State, I worked as a GIS technician for the Lycoming County Planning Commission. In this position, I assisted the planners in developing GIS data and maps for relevant development projects and presentations. I also worked on some graphics and photo manipulation using computer software.

professional employment

  • 2006–present: Research Technician, Riparia (formerly the Penn State Cooperative Wetlands Center)
  • 2005–2006: Research Technician - Pennsylvania Cooperative Fish and Wildlife Research Unit (USGS), Penn State University
  • 2003–2005: GIS Technician, Lycoming County Planning Commission, Williamsport, PA